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Friends, people have become victims of wrong eating habits and many bad habits in today's world. Which is making their body completely hollow from the inside. Today we are going to tell about some such mistakes.
Destroys the body completely, know the mistakes that you do everyday, or you will regret
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Friends, today, most of the younger generation has come under the influence of intoxication, making their body gradually becoming hollow. Intoxication ruins our bodies and also snatches the happiness of their family.
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Friends, consuming tobacco and illegal drugs also makes our body completely hollow. Friends should improve these habits as soon as possible, otherwise they will have to repent.
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Friends, people have become victims of wrong eating habits and many bad habits in today's world. Which is making their body completely hollow from the inside. Today we are going to tell about some such mistakes.
Destroys the body completely, know the mistakes that you do everyday, or you will regret
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Friends, today, most of the younger generation has come under the influence of intoxication, making their body gradually becoming hollow. Intoxication ruins our bodies and also snatches the happiness of their family.
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Friends, consuming tobacco and illegal drugs also makes our body completely hollow. Friends should improve these habits as soon as possible, otherwise they will have to repent.
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