Shillong Teer FR/SR Result (Hit Number) Target FREE Today

Check here today Shillong Teer Results. Here you can find Shillong Teer, Teer Result Shillong, Teer Shillong, Shillong Teer Night, Shillong Teer Association.

shillong teer

Shillong Teer Results

Date           F/R(3:28P.M)S/R(4:25P.M)

Shillong Teer Previous Results

March (2021)

Date  F/RS/R

(February 2021)

Date   F/R S/R
01-02-2021 40 08
02-02-2021 47 36
03-02-2021 61 53
04-02-2021 96 39
05-02-2021 07 00
06-02-2021 41 66
07-02-2021 xx xx
08-02-2021 04 98
09-02-2021 05 81
10-02-2021 83 30
11-02-2021 06 75
12-02-2021 10 80
13-02-2021 76 38
14-02-2021 xx xx
15-02-2021 08 73
16-02-2021 81 77
17-02-2021 20 69
18-02-2021 81 42
19-02-2021 30 73
20-02-2021 44 96
21-02-2021 xx xx
22-02-2021 21 48
23-02-2021 16 77
24-02-2021 46 35
25-02-2021 49 33
26-02-2021 44 18
27-02-2021 94 96
28-02-2021 xx xx
29-02-2021 xx xx
30-02-2021 xx xx
31-02-2021 xx xx

You are on the right page to find shillong teer previous results. In this post, you will get all the information about shillong teer previous results. Shillong teer previous results can help you to win shillong teer several time. Check this page regularly to get shillong teer previous results.

What is Shilong Teer Results?

Shilong Teer is an archery based lottery. It is a bows and arrows based lottery that is sorted out by the Khasi Hills Archery Sports Association. There are around 12 bows and arrows clubs that are a piece of this very affiliation. 
The first-round number was reported at 3:45 pm and the second-round number at 4:45 pm.

How to play shillong teer?

Consistently, the tickets are sold from 10:00 am to 3:30 pm. At 3:30 pm sharp, the bows and arrows meeting starts. 
The betting technique is simple. A member needs to guess the last two digits of the absolute number of bolts that are shot in a day. Whoever gets the digits right, is the winner.

How to calculate shillong teer results?

In Meghalaya itself, there are various Teer wagering focuses that are operational. Consistently, the tickets are sold from 10:00 am to 3:30 pm. At 3:30 pm sharp, the arrow based weaponry meeting starts. 

The wagering technique is simple. A member needs to figure the last two digits of the all outnumber of bolts that are shot in a day. Whoever gets the digits right, is the champ. 

It happens in two rounds. First-round is at 3:45 pm and second-round 4:45 pm. In the first cycle, 50 toxophilite shoots 30 bolts. In the subsequent one, 20 bolts are shot. 

The lottery happens for 6 days in seven days. Sundays are shut. 

Other Teer lotteries that are well known are Khanapara Teer and Juwai Teer.

Shillong teer night:

Shillong night teer is an arrow based weaponry game played in Shillong-Khanapar-Juwai, You can check your fortunate teer number from your earlier night dream. Know your Shillong night teer Dream Numbers and Teer Target Number from your last night dreams. 

Our entrance gives you an accurate data on shillong night teer basic number, shillong night teer dream number, shillong night teer past outcome, shillong night teer hit number, shillong morning teer result, shillong bows and arrows result and some more.

What is shillong teer hit number?

Shillong teer hit number are derived from the previous day teer results numbers using special formula by teer experts. You can check here shillong teer hit numbers daily on this web page. Shillong teer hit numbers can help you to win shillong teer.

What is Shillong teer common number?

Shillong teer common numbers are the special numbers derived from the previous day results using special formula by teer experts. Shillong teer common numbers are the numbers which are commonly occured. Shillong teer common numbers can help you to win shillong teer. You are on the right page to get shillong teer common numbers daily. Check this page regularly to get shillong teer common numbers.

What is Teer Counter?

Shillong teer counter is nothing but shillong teer counter results. The term used here to define shillong teer counter shortly as teer counter. You are on the right page to find teer counter. Check this page regularly to find teer counter.
What is shillong teer association?
Shillong teer association is nothing but the association of shillong teer play in khasi hills of Meghalaya. This is the association which run shillong teer.

Frequently asked questions about Shillong Teer Result?

  1. How do you beat Teer Shillong? Are you a buyer of Shillong Teer? Do you like to win Shillong Teer?  Then you are in the right place to find the winning number here. In this webpage I will give you Shillong Teer beat number. All you need to do is bookmark this webpage in your homescreen and keep on visiting daily. We will let you update the last two digit of the winning number. These nmber are based on previously played number.
  2. What is the result of Shillong Teer advance? Here you will have the shillong teer result within minutes.No delay take place.Result of first round get updated on 3:45pm and second round is on 4:30pm.
  3. Is Shillong Teer a legal game? Yes this game is 100% legal as this game is arranged by khasi hills archery sports association. So no worry of being illegal.
  4. What is the Shillong teer hitt no ? Yes you are in the right webpage to find shillong teer hit number.Last two digit of predicted hit number is given here. And most of the predicted numbers get win often. So your search of shillong teer hit number end
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