67 English and Hindi names you must definitely

Vegetable Name vegetables Vegetables are fresh and raw foods, they are cooked, fried, fry or even raw. Most of these vegetables are such that gives more body health benefits to our body. all vegetables

Nearly 46 million people are victims of malnutrition in the world. A large part of the total population of India, especially women and children, is a victim of malnutrition and one of the major reasons for this is to use fewer vegetables in the diet.

Vegetables contain vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and other nutrients.

There are many types of vegetables, some of these vegetables can also eat raw, such as cucumber, radish, carrot, leaf cauliflower, tomatoes etcetera etc.

Types and Benefits of Vegetables - types of vegetables and benefits in Hindi
Leafy vegetables - green vegetables
The antioxidant is rich in leafy vegetables. These are good sources of vegetables, fiber, and carotenoids. Such as Bathua, spinach, leaf cabbage, green fenugreek etc. et al. Leafy vegetables have such properties that they have the ability to fight lung cancer, stomach cancer, and breast cancer.

Flowering vegetables
Flowers have a high amount of fiber in vegetables and calories are also less common in these vegetables. The amount of vitamins is high in them. Such as cauliflower flowers, closed cabbage, and broccoli etc. are the vegetables of this category.

Seed vegetables
Vegetable vegetables are those vegetables in which seeds are found inside. Such as peas, beans, lobha, rajma, gram, etc., etc.

Watery vegetables
There are some watery vegetables which are grown in water such as lotus cucumber, Nymphadora etc. These vegetables are rich in nutrients.

Root vegetables
Rooted vegetables directly absorb nutrients from the ground. Like carrots, radish, potatoes, Arabic Chukar, Ginger, Kunda etc are root vegetables.

All these vegetables are very beneficial, they contain plenty of nutrients. Therefore, I request you all the people. From today onwards, all people should start consuming all the vegetables in their food. Know what benefits we get from the vegetable.

Vegetable names in Hindi and English - list of vegetables
1. Black Eyed Beans/Green Long Beans/Cowpea = लोबिया की फली

67 सब्जियों के इंग्लिश और हिंदी नाम आपको ज़रूर चाहिए
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2. Broad Bean = बाकले की फली

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3. French Beans = फ्रेंच बिन्स

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4. Runner Beans = सेम की फली

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5. Cluster Beans = गवार

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6. Cabbage = पत्ता गोभी

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7. Cauliflower = फूल गोभी

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8. Broccoli = ब्रोकोली/ हरी गोभी

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9. Kohlrabi = गांठ गोभी

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10. Peppermint/Mint = पुदीना

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11. Coriander Leaves = हरे धनिये के पत्ते

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12. Curry Leaves = करी पत्ते

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13. Fenugreek Leaves = मेंथी

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14. Spinach = पालक

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15. Green Mustard = ग्रीन सरसों

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16. Turnips = शलजम

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17. Salad Green Leaves/Black Mustard Seed = सलाद हरी पत्तियां

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18. Wild Spinach = बथुआ

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19. Fennel/Dill = हरा सोया

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20. Green onion = हरा प्याज़

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21. Onion = प्याज़

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22. Beetroot = चुकंदर

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23. Bitter Gourd = करेला

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24. Bottle Gourd = लौकी

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25. Capsicum = शिमला मिर्च

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26. Carrot = गाजर

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27. Tomato = टमाटर

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28. Sweet Potato = शकरकंद

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29. Potato = आलू

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30. Ridge Gourd = तुरई/तोरी

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31. Radish = मूली

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32. Pumpkin = कद्दू

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33. Mushroom = कुकुरमुत्ता

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34. keri = कच्चा आम

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35. Lemon = नींबू

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36. Lady Finger/okra = भिन्डी

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37. Jackfruit = कटहल

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38. Green Peas = हरी मटर

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39. Green Chilli = हरी मिर्च

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40. Garlic = लहसुन

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41. Ginger = अदरक

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42. Cucumber = खीरा

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43. Cucumis Utilissimus = ककड़ी

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44. Pointed Gourd/Ivy Gourd = परवल

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45. Kantola = ककोरा

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46. Kidney beans = राजमा (एक प्रकार की सेम)

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47. Amaranth Leaves = हरी चोलाई

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48. Snake Gourd = चिचिण्डा

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49. Raw Banana = कच्चा केला

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50. Celer

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