As you all know Abdul Kalam, according to him there are only two aspects of life. There is a place of sadness in one place and happiness also happens in the other. But let us save you from the grief. Today we will tell you this which Abdul Kalam has written in his written books.

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Friends sorrow comes to everyone. But with today's grief, we should never spoil our tomorrow. Because no matter how big the grief is, it will destroy our tomorrow.
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Friends, Abdul Kalam said that the man who is scared of sorrow is not a human being. Sorrow is in everyone's life. Therefore, it should be tackled and not we should retreat.
In his third talk, Abdul Kalam said that if you ever get hurt, then remember your happiness day. And translate those same days into the coming tomorrow. Along with sorrow, your problems will also go away.
Friends, how do you know these three things of Abdul Kalam? And give your precious love to our loved one Abdul Kalam.
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Friends sorrow comes to everyone. But with today's grief, we should never spoil our tomorrow. Because no matter how big the grief is, it will destroy our tomorrow.
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Friends, Abdul Kalam said that the man who is scared of sorrow is not a human being. Sorrow is in everyone's life. Therefore, it should be tackled and not we should retreat.
In his third talk, Abdul Kalam said that if you ever get hurt, then remember your happiness day. And translate those same days into the coming tomorrow. Along with sorrow, your problems will also go away.
Friends, how do you know these three things of Abdul Kalam? And give your precious love to our loved one Abdul Kalam.