Akshay Kumar's movie Gold's trailer has been released. In the promotion of this film based on patriotism, Munni and Akshay Kumar have gathered together in life. The story of the film is based on a person who wants the country to get gold in hockey. Mouni Roy is also going to be seen in a film for the first time. His pair is being created for the first time with Akshay Kumar. Akshay Kumar has always been romancing with his younger actress in movies. This is also going to happen this time too. In film gold we are going to see Akki again with his younger age actress. But do you know the difference between age and age of Akshay
Gold - You are romancing with such a young actress Akshay Kumar
SOURCE: middayday.com/punjabkesari.in
So is the age of renewable
Source: masala.com
Akshay Kumar, who has made his mark in the name of the player in Bollywood, has his own way of acting. This time, they are coming in front of us as a country devotee in Gold Gold. Talking about his age, Akshay was born on September 9, 1967. Accordingly, they are 50 years old. Akshay is also fit at age 50.
It's so many years
SOURCE: timesnownews.com
So far we have come to see the small screen in the TV serials. But now the silence is going to be visible with Akshay Kumar on the big screen. Munei is awesome in watching and her entry in Bollywood has taken place at the right time. To be talked about his age, Mauni was born on 28 September 1988, according to him, his age is 32 years old. Accordingly Akshay Kumar is 18 years older than Muni Roy.
Source: india.com
In the film, we are going to see Akshay and Mouni a Bengali family person. Mauni Roy is playing the role of Akshay Kumar's wife. Recently, Akshay had addressed Munni as his wife on Twitter. This was written in the caption of the movie poster. As a result, Akshay Kumar had a lot of troll too. There is a lot of discussion in the film. The biggest reason for this is that the country of the country is based on devotion.
Gold - You are romancing with such a young actress Akshay Kumar
SOURCE: middayday.com/punjabkesari.in
So is the age of renewable
Source: masala.com
Akshay Kumar, who has made his mark in the name of the player in Bollywood, has his own way of acting. This time, they are coming in front of us as a country devotee in Gold Gold. Talking about his age, Akshay was born on September 9, 1967. Accordingly, they are 50 years old. Akshay is also fit at age 50.
It's so many years
SOURCE: timesnownews.com
So far we have come to see the small screen in the TV serials. But now the silence is going to be visible with Akshay Kumar on the big screen. Munei is awesome in watching and her entry in Bollywood has taken place at the right time. To be talked about his age, Mauni was born on 28 September 1988, according to him, his age is 32 years old. Accordingly Akshay Kumar is 18 years older than Muni Roy.
Source: india.com
In the film, we are going to see Akshay and Mouni a Bengali family person. Mauni Roy is playing the role of Akshay Kumar's wife. Recently, Akshay had addressed Munni as his wife on Twitter. This was written in the caption of the movie poster. As a result, Akshay Kumar had a lot of troll too. There is a lot of discussion in the film. The biggest reason for this is that the country of the country is based on devotion.