The fun of the Delhi Police Qiki Challenge, The Ambulance of the Door

#cicky channel Posted by Delhi Police Viral

The social media #KikiChallenge is going to dance down the road nowadays driving too much trend. Coverage it was that the crazy video was removed in people and shooting on the streets and stock here. General people but Selebs also do not have to follow this trend second. Now the result of Selebs has been a dance road to follow them to stay behind their fans! So far, Ada Sharma Nora Ftehi and Karishma Sharma have been in this competition.

Ada Sharma snake beauty is why the car finally dances out to know people, #KikiChallenge chose

Now Delhi Police has not had a fun post with #Kikei Channel! She did not take down this challenge from their car, but posted a picture.

Floor dance, not in the street!
#KikiChallenge is not worth the fun.
#InMyFeelings #Delhi Keep the road safe for everyone.

Delhi Police
Floor dance, not in the street!
#KikiChallenge is not worth the fun. #InMyFeelings #Delhi Keep the road safe for everyone. Picktvitrkcom / 8BZcl5H78S

11:26 a - July 31, 2018
3 3 Replies 55 55 retweets 959 likes
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This post happened in Danger Road Police said the police could open new doors for you (ambulance).

Yes, because the road is definitely a good way to dance under the car for the outside world, but Dancing India is the road to accidents as a gift to India itself. That's why trend now #kikichallengefail is another Hashag.

What is #KikiChallenge or KekeChallenge?

Canada Short Viral Video Theshiggyshow Rapper Drake was making the road with the song 'My Feelings'. Theshiggyshow dance is a small video that became viral, which was shared at your intagram account. Video, 7 million After many people have followed this dance theshiggyshow and this trend is going viral all over the world. after theshiggyshow Instagram Star DaniLeigh and Will Smith made a video like this. Will Smith's #KikiChallenge video was viewed more than 1 million times.

#kikichallengefail Watch the special video
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