Regardless of the fierce herpes, itch, itching, it will be clear in the first 3 days.

चाहे कितनी भी भयंकर दाद, खाज, खुजली क्यों ना हो 3 दिन में ही जड़ से साफ हो जाएगी
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The problem of ringworm, itching and itching has become common in today's time. If seen, then every third person has this problem. If this problem happens to a person once. So gradually collects his possession on his body. And in today's time about 90% people are suffering from this problem. And the main reason for all this is our food and environment. If we keep our environment and food better. So we avoid the problem of ringworm, itching and itching. And this problem is seen more in those people who work hard. People who sweat more. And does not dry up for a long time. Due to which they have problems like itchy. And the place where wetness remains till the time of Lamb. Fungus infection begins at that place. By which herpes, itch, itching takes birth. If it is not treated immediately. So it takes a terrible form. And spreads throughout the body. In today's post we will tell you some such measures which you will be able to eliminate from the horrible toxic toxicity. So let's know what the solution is ...

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Materials Required: - lemon juice, papaya milk, aloe vera gel, turmeric

Usage method: - Mix lemon juice, turmeric and aloe vera gel thoroughly. After that place the herpes, itch, itchy place and leave it for 1 hour. Then clean it and add papaya milk. Keep this for 1 hour. Then clean it and use a chopper. Make sure to use it twice a day. Fierce, severe aspirin, itching and itching will end in the next 3 days. This tried out is a tremendous solution.

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Caution: - If you want to eliminate the disease like herpes, itch, itching. Do not use soap or shampoo in the area of ​​herpes, itch, itching.

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