Never speak these 2 words to any woman

Women have the status of Goddess and there is only one woman who is the mother and sister of Bibi. This woman can make the house both heaven and hell. Inside women, there are qualities that we can not even imagine. Today, we will tell you two things that should never be forgotten by a woman, otherwise you may have to face many problems. Let's know what they are 2 things.

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1. Never forget even a woman should be barren. It is not necessary that all women become mothers. Sometimes, due to some natural reduction in women, they can not become a mother and there is no defect of any woman in it. In such a situation, when you call such a woman as infertility, then that woman is very sad and she may have lost all the life in the grief of sorrow if she gave you a slap. Their baddhuas never go empty because they are distracted by heart.

2. In this world, all women are not interested in Vesya. There is definitely no compulsion in them, then they have to go on such a wrong path. Therefore, no woman, even if she is a Vaisya, would not like to listen to her for the sake of saying that you call her a word like this. It is their wish that they leave them at their place, otherwise it may be that you can get rid of the sound of your tongue and you have to suffer all the time to say just one word.

These were 2 words that no person should speak to any woman. Have not you ever asked anyone to say so Please tell us by writing in the comment and if you like the post, then please share the lyrics and shares. Follow us today to read more similar motorized posts

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