SWERTRES RESULT 2P.M, 5P.M, 9P.M (Official) PCSO Result Today

> If you are looking for Swertres Result, then you are on the right page to check Swertres Result Today. You can also check Swertres result today,3D result today, PCSO result today, Swertres lotto result today, PCSO lotto results swertres, Swertres result yesterday, 3 Digit result today.
Swertres Result Today

PCSO Swertres Result Today:

Date 2P.M 5P.M 9P.M
Today 9-9-81-4-5 2-3-0
21-01-2022 1-5-4 8-5-5 1-5-6
19-01-2022 4-8-3 9-4-7 8-3-4
18-01-2022 9-7-1 9-7-2 9-7-7
17-01-2022 8-8-6 8-7-9 8-7-9
16-01-2022 8-7-6 8-5-8 8-2-7

What is Swertres Result?

Swertres results are the daily winning of the lotto game of PCSO. This lottery game is very popular in Philipine. You can find Swertres result here. Daily 3 time this game is played one at 2P.M 2nd is at 5P.M and 3rd is 9P.M. All the outcomes are called swertres result for today.

What is PCSO result?

PCSO results are the daily winning of the lotto game of Swertres Lotto. This lottery game is very popular in Philipine and South Africa. You can find PCSO result here. Daily 3 time this game is played one at 2P.M 2nd is at 5P.M and 3rd is 9P.M. All the outcomes are called PCSO result for today.

What is 3 Digit Result?

As soon as Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) declares its result we let you updated.PSCO 3d result is being updated 3 times a day. 2PM, 4 PM and 9PM as it have 3 rounds of play every day. It has no break day except some national holidays.

What is 3d Lotto Result Today?

This is a popular game of Philippines in Asia. This game was introduced in 2002. And 2019 it was renamed as 3d lotto.

This is a game where you have to play with 2 numbers only from 0 to 9. All you need to play this game is to make some calculation or to pick numbers randomly. 

And thus if you are a lucky drawer then you have the chance to win PhP 4,500, the Rambolito 3 Play which has a prize of PhP 1,500, and the Rambolito 6 Play with PhP 750. The chances of getting these prizes are respectively at 1 in 1000, 1 in 333, and 1 in 167.

3d Result today

Please don't go with the name 3d result because here you won't find 3d view of swertres lotto result. But surely can have swertres result on the above mentioned time. Add to this if the swertres lotto is suspended for some reason you will have prior official notification.

Swertres Sureball Hearing today:

If you are a real player of swertres lotto player you must have a desire to win. And here you can have those hot numbers that can play the game. We have expertise that can help you win.So you need to visit our page daily.This numbers are really tricky that is being revealed prior to the game.

Though this numbers are not for sure success. But still have a chance. But always be careful don't get traped by those who promise you to give number in exchange of money etc.

So keep it in mind 2PM,4PM & 9PM are the time you need to visit our page to get the instant live result.

We also update previous result that you can have a instant look of the results at a time. As it can help you to get winning numbers sometimes.

FAQ's About Swertres Lotto :

  1. If you want to play swertress lotto then you must have to fulfill certain criteria like you need to be 18 years and above age.
  2. You can have this ticket at any Phillipine Charity Sweepstakes Office.
  3. The Swertress Lotto ticket costs you Php 12.00 each. It is included 20% DST or documentary stamp tax.
  4. You have checkout the accuracy of the data printed on the ticket before you leave the place.
  5. Three times a day Swertres lotto game is held by PCSO.
  6. Live match can be seen on PTV4 channel and also in youtube.
  7. If there is any holiday or certain cases then PCSO announces pause in game. And at the same time also announces.

How to play Swertress Lotto?

  • First of all you have to go to your nearest PCSO to buy looto ticket.
  • Each lotto will cost you Php12.
  • You have to pick 3 numbers of your choise from 0 to 9 ,what you think can be good numbers to play or you can keep a look on our site where we also update a prediction of swertress lotto game.
  • If you dont want either you can choose lucky pick which is randomly generated digits.
  • And if you win you will have Php 4500.00 for each ticket you buy.

How to claim swertress lotto Prize?

For smaller amount of Php20 to Php 10,000. 00 you have to contact to any authorized lotto outlet. You can claim it at any of the PCSO branch office.

And the prize amount more than Php10,000 can be claimed at PCSO branch office only.  

But this amount incur a deduction of 20% due to tax reform for acceleration and inclusion TRAIN act.